Ritter Public Library held a Local Author Fair today from 2-5 pm. There were over 20 local authors featured, as well as several Vermilionites. The Library was filled with local Authors sitting at tables all around the Library, with their books and information available, engaging visitors in conversation about their books.

One of the authors I had the pleasure to speak with about their work was Linda Eyerman. She writes Relationship Fiction and her books cover a wide variety of topics. Relationship fiction is a genre of character-driven stories that focus on the importance of relationships, whether they are romantic, familial, or with friends or colleagues.

She spoke with me passionately about her books, the stories within. About her craft and how you can read her books. That’s what makes something like a Local Author Fair so special. The Storyteller is enticing you to read their story and drawing you into their world.

As I walked around and spoke to several Authors, you could feel that same excitement and willingness to tell at every table. Every table had a story to tell. Every Author living out their dream in our little town for a few hours. What makes Vermilion so special, is that it has enough magic to power every dream, every story.

Life is for living. Live your dreams. Tell your story. It was a pleasure attending this event.