Look at the PUD ordinance for Vermilion. The ordinance was designed to make sure that Council could do their due diligence, after a public hearing, before voting on it. Due diligence means investigating, follow up. It takes time. Definitely not the three minutes Vermilion City Council used for a break between the Public Hearing and their Regular meeting on Monday.

I walked in at 5:30 to the courtroom and it was filled with DBR representatives at the tables and the podium area. Looked like a meeting was already occurring. I checked my phone to make sure I didn’t get the time wrong. There was a lot of talking between what seemed to be a quorum of Council persons and the administration. I sat for the next half an hour and watched the meeting before the meeting occur.
The meeting started with DBR representatives touting the scope and financial benefits of the project to the city and its infrastructure. The owner Dan Resar, emphasized he is local, from Lorain County and has family and friends here. He said he would comply with everything the EPA and State agencies wanted them to do.
He also stated he did not want to interfere with anything that happens in Vermilion.
The next two hours were citizens giving their concerns about the proposed PUD:
The state of current infrastructure
The strain on our current infrastructure Years of maintenance & repair lapses by the city
Inadequate staffing levels for police and fire
Home values dropping
Traffic increases
Density of homes
Firelands schools is already at capacity
Ryan Homes reputation
Three Eagles nests
Endangered/protected animal/plant species
A loss of privacy for residents in the area
A disruption of storm water systems on residents property
Higher property taxes
Residents potentially having to connect to City water/sewer when they have septic
I honestly don’t know how you can accomplish your goal of not interfering in anything Vermilion, with a list in front of you from Vermilion residents saying this is going to seriously interfere. This PUD will interfere with all of our daily lives and routines. It will radically transform the area.
How can the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Service Director and City Council not see what’s right in front of them? No additional resources needed. Are you currently gouging us then on services? Are we way overstaffed and paying too much? I don’t think you can have it both ways here. A significant increase in people will need an increase in services to match.
The citizens asked in vast majority for City Council to pump the brakes and do their due diligence and investigate. Many of them know the history of the Development area. How it was green lighted before and never came to be. They know Eagles live in the area and the area around the development is protected wetlands, which hosts a protected plant called Carey’s Smartweed.


The American Eagle has a long history in our area. I suspect as our Lakefront areas got developed, the eagles nestled deeper into Brownhelm to where they currently reside.

Vermilion City Council had the majority of this information in front of them. They had an ordinance that requires them to do their due diligence and even explicitly describes the circumstances where they should not continue, unless they are rectified. The ordinance was read to them by Council President Steve Herron earlier in the public meeting.
Council then took a three-minute break and then proceeded to have a lighting round Regular meeting where they passed the PUD ordinance 6-1. Seemed to me like this was a done deal and the people’s concern and current legislation was an afterthought.
Let’s hope the PUD criteria City Council ignored doesn’t come back and bite all parties involved. Let’s hope no one sues or a Federal agency doesn’t get involved. I saw many unhappy people who had reasonable grievances seemingly be shrugged off. Seems to be the status quo now at these meetings.

If City Council and the Administration continue to ignore public sentiment, I would count on more packed meetings, phone calls, contested races and referendums in the future. The people will be heard.
Just look at what happened in Amherst, perfect example of overpopulating with cluster homes and school systems crowded. It’s all about money and who’s going to be getting it sadly this small town will never be the same.
As, I said Planning commison failed completely to address there own set of rules. Breaking near all of them. Then council fails there own due diligence ordinance to properly review. I want to know why council thinks Vermilion needs this. Why the Admin thinks Vermilion needs this. Why didn’t they follow the laws set forth I feel like this very well could end up being a law suit against the entire Council and Admin costing them there jobs.
Not only did they not go seek support from citizens they failed to seek input on adverse affects from neighboring communities. Hmmm Do you think Fireland school district could sue? Can we as citizens file. Censure on our Admin amd council for breaking there own laws and failure to act in the cities best interest.
Tax grab with no taxes to be gained
70 million infrastructure project that the city will pay for for 70 years. No tax benefit what so ever. Congested roads loss of valuable lands ect ect
This proposed development will be a disaster for Brownhelm Township! We gave too much traffic already. I pray we never have a fire out here again. Kudos to our volunteers, but when we had a chimney fire they left the task of going up on the roof to my teenaged brother. How could they possibly handle a big fire in that mass of packed in buildings. A hard NO from me. Why don’t you put the tiny homes on Rt 6 where all the trees were cut down for a storage facility?