Editorial Commentary: The People's Notes

In the Mayor’s Notes last week, Mayor Forthofer marginalized all Vermilionites who care about the character of Vermilion when…

He said: “WHO ARE WE TO DENY PEOPLE THE CHOICE of a smaller yard if they want to live in beautiful Vermilion like the rest of us?”
We say: Yep! The Mayor really said that!
Question: Is he saying our decision to live here because we like Vermilion’s quiet cozy character is not important? Is he also saying that new residents’ right to live in a jam-packed subdivision is more important than those wishes of who currently live here? Why?
Mr. Mayor: Will you make Vermilionites’ legitimate wish to maintain Vermilion’s character a higher priority? Why are potential citizens being given more care than the Vermilionites who actually live here and pay taxes now?
Ironically, the Mayor also mentions the developer’s NEW PLANS!
We say: What new plans? We haven’t seen any. The Mayor seems to say they’ll be shared after the election. Sorry to be blunt, but that’s certainly backwards. If there is a new plan, Vermilionite’s deserve to see it. Why not give the citizens time to be informed?
And, by the way, where are the developer’s phone survey results? Given residents’ many complaints about intrusive, unprofessional phone calls seeking feedback about the development, were the results so bad that the developer abandoned the idea? We wouldn’t be surprised.
Mr. Mayor: Will you share the new plans so we can share in the excitement? Why do we have to wait over 3 months to know what you know now?

Vermilion Daily believes that the Mayor’s Notes published often by the Vermilion Photojournal sometimes need a response, based on fact-checking and alternative viewpoints. For this reason, Vermilion Daily will, as needed, publish counterpoints to the Mayor Notes.