3 thoughts on “How One Councilman Quietly Set the Stage for Vermilion’s Biggest Development Debate

  1. Thank you Councilman Werley for starting this important conversation with the members of Vermilion City Council so they are better prepared. It definately showed the split in thinking amoung the present council members. The will of the people of Vermilion needs to be heard and considered. Unfortunately, many members of the current City Council have not been listening. So, “We the People,” will need to demand that we are heard!

  2. Well stated… Each TIF has it’s own specific terms. Each use has a different projects. Cities and Township and those affected I. e. School Districts, infrastructure realities, must be considered….

  3. I am advocating for the development of moderately priced rental housing for senior citizens in Vermilion. This is not to be confused with any voucher program. Rather, it is my advocacy for affordable, small housing units of a single bedroom or efficiency that a person living on Social Security alone could manage.
    As a representative for Vermilion with Serving Our Seniors, I have a good idea about how there is a looming crisis for units of this type. If a TIF would help encourage a builder to create this type of housing as just a small part of a larger project, I would advocate for that TIF. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. – Linda Eyerman

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