Vermilion Daily believes that the Mayor’s Notes published weekly by Vermilion Photojournal sometimes need a response based on fact-checking and alternative viewpoints. For this reason, the Vermilion Daily will, as needed, publish Point / Counterpoint to the Mayor Notes.

The Mayor’s Point: The Mayor isn’t in favor of relocating the Lorain County Regional Airport to the area designated for the Sunnyside PUD. But a Lorain County Commissioner talked to him about an airport in Vermilion on that land a couple of years ago, and the idea has been raised again as an alternative to the Sunnyside PUD . He doesn’t know whether this is just a tactic to persuade voters to reject the referendum that could stop the Sunnyside PUD.

Vermilion Daily Counterpoint: Raising this possibility is obviously a biased political tactic designed to assist the Sunnyside PUD developer in counteracting Vermilionites’ legitimate interests in rejecting the City Council’s approval of the Sunnyside PUD. An airport cannot be located on property inhabited by bald eagles; and a 1,200-acre airport cannot be relocated on 300 acres. Mr. Mayor: Please call the Lorain County Commissioners’ bluff on this point! Then – please! – tell Vermilionites that you’ve done so!

The Mayor’s Point: The development will yield $700,000 to $1,000,000 in annual income tax revenues for city coffers, some of which could be used for roads.

Vermilion Daily Counterpoint: The Mayor’s estimate has magically gone from “about $700,000” at the June 10, 2024 City Council meeting to “$700,000 to $1,000,000.” We ask:

- How did the Mayor’s estimate increase so dramatically?
- What was the original estimate based on?
- How do the estimates square with the developer’s intent to target fixed-income retirees as home buyers?
- Won’t the Sunnyside PUD result in significantly higher road costs that will eat into increased tax revenues?
- Will you – please! – provide a professional estimate of anticipated costs and revenues?
The Mayor’s Point: There wasn’t one. He skirted the topic.

The Vermilion Daily Counterpoint: To adequately address Vermilionite’s best interests, the Mayor needs to get involved in the TIF proposal under consideration by Lorain County and the developer.

Mr. Mayor: Will you – please! – provide some answers regarding potential TIF financing of $35 million associated with debt service payments of $89.7 million.

Vermilion Daily is committed to transparency and accountability in government. We will continue our efforts to check the Mayor’s Notes, as needed.