Political Commentary
Lindy went on the Shawn Ryan Show and spilled the tea on the Biden Whitehouse and Kamala campaign. She gave many very valid reasons why. One was Joe Biden needing a teleprompter for small events of 10 people and the other was her phone being confiscated and gone through multiple times.

A lot of media spin was confirmed by this lady. A lot of the censorship confirmed. Every bit of gaslighting (programming) that happened over the last four years was planned to hide and obscure reality. To hold onto power.
She was one of the planners and was in the inner circles for it all. Lies. So many lies. We spent four years with a blank slate as President. I remember the regular Muppets repeating all the talking points the media wanted Muppetted.
They used it to further their hate for their opposition when confronted about their lies. Many attacked people in this town personally and especially one group in particular. All while this group was helping the community and reaching across the aisle.
All for lies and to stay in power. It’s never too late to realize the absurdity. To stop defending it. To stop demonizing your opponents because you can’t seem to adequately defend your ideas. Or to consider new refined ones, as any logical human being should.
This goes for our local race as well. I see many people still demonizing. I don’t see any defending ideals of the past that put us here. They’ll rip on the one that tried to fix it, but they personally watched this all happen for 40 years and did 0 themselves to fix anything.
It’s time for us to work together to stop demonizing each other. The mess still remains. Fighting only continues the mess. It’s time to accept the truth. To get over the partisan connections that we have. For each person to realize that they have an equal responsibility in the mess.
It’s also time for accountability. Some people think accountability means solely punishing the opposition. I think accountability means putting a person in that position that will be accountable to the people. The true liability with where we are lies with each one of us. We accepted what was for far too long.
We can be the same in our personal conversations and our friendships. We can reflect and see where we went wrong in the past and try to make things right.
We can realize that we are all connected and dependent on each other as a society to survive. We can forward together and be stronger than at odds.
Instead of a tendency of negativity, we have to try to be decent. We have to forgive. We have to be fair. We have to strive to do what’s best for us all. Not just one.
Stop the game. Both sides lie. Both sides are in shambles. Our Country is as well. Maybe it’s time to stop playing. To start living real life with the people you live and breathe with.

To do that you have to get over the lies, the tribalism and authentically move forward, treating all human beings the same. That journey can start now. We can walk it together… if you can find the courage to reach out your hand my friends.🤝
Towards what end? That’s the question I often ask of myself and others when considering what to do, what to say, and how to act. It would seem easy to unite under the one common denominator we all arguably have… our collective love for Vermilion. And yet, our community remains seriously divided over many issues all in the name of knowing what’s best for our great town. However, no one owns the “franchise” of knowing what’s best for Vermilion. Rather, in a sense it is a “cooperative”. The reality of which demands a leader that can foster equal participation from legitimate differing opinions to get to a better result for Vermilion. I don’t believe anyone would argue against putting Vermilion first in front of developers, first in front of consultants, first in front of agencies in dealings with our City. This November will give voters an opportunity to bring new transformational leadership that can truly unite our community around our collective love for Vermilion! Russ Owens