Vermilion City Council
Date: Monday, August 12, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Vermilion Municipal Court Complex, 687 Decatur Street, Vermilion, Ohio
On August 12, 2024, the Vermilion City Council convened both Committee Meetings and a Special City Council Meeting at the Vermilion Municipal Court Complex. The meetings addressed infrastructure improvements, safety updates, and legislative matters.

Committee Meetings

Streets, Buildings & Grounds Committee
- Police Station Construction: Representatives from Bowen presented a detailed PowerPoint showcasing maps and diagrams of the new Vermilion Police Station. The presentation outlined the 6,500 sq. ft. facility’s layout, including secure and public entrances, an impound lot, and site fencing. The new station aims to provide modern, upgraded facilities for the police department.
- Speed Zone Study: Chris Howard, City Engineer, expressed concerns that the speed zone study might not be a good investment, citing that current data did not support a change in speed limits. Instead, he proposed purchasing two warning signs, including one with a speed monitor, for a total cost of $13,500. However, the motion to approve this purchase failed with a 3-2 vote, as four affirmative votes are required for passage.
- Review of Ordinance 2024-44 (Salt Storage Building): Tony Valerius discussed the ordinance related to constructing a new salt storage building. The existing structure is at risk of collapse due to overcapacity.
- OPWC Round 39 Discussion: Chris Howard and Tony Valerius reviewed updates related to the Ohio Public Works Commission Round 39, with no decisions made during the meeting.
Health & Safety Committee

- Fire Chief’s Report: Fire Chief Bill Brown reported on a significant recent development: the Vermilion Fire Department has been awarded a $321,600 Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the United States Fire Administration. This grant is designated to replace thirty outdated airpack units. The funding will significantly alleviate the department’s financial burden, allowing funds initially set aside for these purchases to be redirected to other critical needs. The department is responsible for a 5% match, a minor amount compared to the total grant.
- Police Chief’s Report: Police Chief Chris Hartung provided updates on department operations and discussed Ordinance 2024-42, which authorizes the purchase of six 2025 police utility vehicles.
Legislative Committee

- Review of City Council Rules and Regulations: Greg Drew reviewed proposed changes for the 2024/2025 City Council Rules and Regulations.
- Mobile Food Services Ordinance: Steve Herron reviewed Ordinance 2024-43, which aims to amend regulations for mobile food services.
Finance Committee

- Year-To-Date Updates: Amy Hendricks provided a financial update on the year’s progress.

Special City Council Meeting:
- Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Council President Steve Herron.
- Approval of Minutes: The minutes from August 5, 2024, were approved after a minor correction concerning the number of homes in a proposed development.
- New Business: The Council authorized the administration to bid for the construction of the new Vermilion Police Station.

- Reading of Ordinances/Resolutions: Several ordinances and resolutions were discussed:
- Ordinance 2024-41: Approved on its third reading, amending appropriations and the 2024 Certificate of Estimated Resources.
- Ordinance 2024-42: Authorized the purchase of six 2025 police utility vehicles, passed with one dissenting vote.
- Ordinance 2024-43: Amended mobile food services regulations, read for the second time.
- Ordinance 2024-44: Authorized the construction of a new salt storage building, passed by emergency due to urgent need.
- Ordinance 2024-45: Established the AFG Assistance to Firefighters 2023 Grant fund, adopted by emergency.
- Ordinance 2024-46: Authorized a gift agreement with Grace United Methodist Church, read for the first time.Ordinance 2024-47: Established the Splash Pad Project fund, read for the first time.Resolution 2024R-17: Accepted an $85,000 grant for the Sherod Park Comfort Station project, adopted by emergency.
Meeting Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned by Council President Steve Herron.

Upcoming Meetings:

- September 9, 2024: Vermilion City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
- September 16, 2024: Vermilion City Council Committee Meetings at 6:00 p.m.
- September 23, 2024: Tentative Vermilion City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
For more information, including video recordings and minutes, visit the Vermilion City website at www.cityofvermilionohio.gov.