The Vermilion Board of Zoning Appeals met on February 25, 2025, at the Vermilion Municipal Complex to review three variance requests. All four board members—Chairman Lori Barauskas, Pete Bahner, Bob Voltz, and Liz Vasil—were present, ensuring a quorum for the meeting..
Approval of Previous Minutes
The board unanimously approved the minutes from the January 28, 2025, meeting.
New Business
Chad Brockett – Cooper Foster Park Road
- Variance Requests:
- Permission to install a gravel driveway instead of the required hard-surface driveway.
- Exemption from the requirement to construct sidewalks.
- Discussion:
- Homeowner Jacob Raider explained that a gravel driveway would cost significantly less than a hard-surfaced one—approximately $10,000 compared to $40,000.
- Board members noted that many driveways in the neighborhood are already gravel.
- Neighbor Ed Williams supported both requests, citing the area’s lack of sidewalks and the prevalence of gravel driveways.
- Decisions:
- The board unanimously approved the sidewalk exemption.
- The request for a gravel driveway was approved with a 3-1 vote.
Stephen Bobbin – 3411 Edgewater Drive
- Variance Requests:
- Approval for a shed located in the side yard instead of the rear yard, as required by regulations.
- Reduction of rear and side yard setbacks from the required distances to zero feet.
- Discussion:
- Mr. Bobbin stated that the shed, built three years ago without a permit, was placed in its current location due to space limitations.
- Neighbor Deedee Forrest expressed concerns about the shed’s placement and a pending property survey to confirm boundary lines.
- Decision:
- The board denied the variance request with a 2-2 vote, as a majority is required for approval.
Nick Meinert (Meinert Construction) – 1011 Howard Drive
- Variance Request:
- Reduction of the front yard setback from the required 30 feet to 11 feet to accommodate the reconstruction of a house, including the addition of a basement.
- Discussion:
- Homeowners Nathan and Caroline Nemire explained that they are rebuilding most of their home but intend to keep the current footprint regarding street distance.
- The only structural change is at the back of the house, with no extension toward the street.
- Because a basement is being added, the project is considered new construction.
- Board member B. Voltz asked if the basement addition would include the existing concrete pad space to the east, to which N. Nemire confirmed yes.
- Chairperson L. Barauskas inquired if the hardship was to add space to the house. N. Nemire clarified that the primary goal was to fix the original structure.
- Board member B. Voltz asked if the basement addition impacted the variance request from a city standpoint. T. Valerius confirmed that since the house remains on the same footprint, the basement itself was not a factor.
- Neighbor Ed Williams of 3385 Cooper Foster stated that his son owns an adjacent property and supports the proposed improvements.
- Decision:
- B. Voltz moved to approve the variance request as submitted under C.O.V. Section 1270.09(e)(2)A, reducing the required front yard depth from 30 feet to 11 feet.
- L. Barauskas seconded the motion.
- Roll Call Vote: 4 YEAS. MOTION CARRIED.
With no further business, Chairperson Barauskas adjourned the meeting.

Next Meeting
The next Board of Zoning Appeals meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Vermilion Municipal Complex, 687 Decatur Street, Vermilion, Ohio.