Vermilion Local School District Holds School Safety and Security Parents Night

The Vermilion Local School District issued a statement on School Safety and Security Parents Night:
“The VLS administration would like to thank the 40 or so parents who attended the School Safety and Security Parents Night on November 20th. The goal of the evening was to help parents understand the state of the art training and technology we have implemented in our schools, and what we are teaching their students relative to active shooter response. We concluded the event with parents having the opportunity to participate in an active shooter level 3 drill.

Dr. Hile made the point that all of the best technology and training cannot prevent a school shooting, it simply allows us to respond quickly and appropriately. The only thing that can prevent a school shooting is strong, trusting relationships with our students and parents so that students, who will likely learn of a possible shooting before the adults, are willing to reach out to the adults in the school and tell them something they know that scares them.”
Our commentary, as well as the photo gallery of the complete slideshow presentation, including some video, can be found in the post and comments of the Facebook post below:
