Vermilion Township Trustee Meeting
The Vermilion Township Board of Trustees convened for their monthly general business meeting on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at the Vermilion Township Meeting Room. The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m., led by the Chair Trustee Kurtz, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Audio can be found below: Please download if you can’t hear and turn up your volume settings, audio is very soft. We recommend VLC media player.

Roll Call and Minutes Approval
A quorum was reached with the attendance of Trustees Mr. Scott, Mr. Baughman, and Mr. Kurtz. The minutes from the previous meetings, including the August 7, 2024 regular business meeting and two special meetings on August 23 and August 29, were approved without any amendments.
Department Reports (Audio starts at 2:30)
- Fire Department
- Zoning & Administrator’s Report
- Road Department
- Fiscal Officer’s Report
Old Business: Cemetery Survey
Township Trustees reviewed progress on the ongoing cemetery survey. Discussions focused on the details of the survey for Orchard Beach and Cuddeback Cemetery, as the township works to finalize plot maps and records.
New Business (Audio starts at 10:10)
- Get-Go Liquor License Transfer: The board discussed the request for the transfer of a liquor license related to the local Get-Go location parent company changing. No significant opposition was noted.
- Administrator Salary Appropriation: A new appropriation was approved for the township administrator’s salary pay increase.
- Fire Department Pump Testing and Maintenance
- Orchard Beach/Cuddeback Cemetery Plot Map
Public Participation: Local Candidates and Concerns

Local Political Candidates Speak
- Marcus Harris and Leslie Murray, both candidates for Erie County Commissioner, spoke about their vision for the county.
- Alicia Roshong, candidate for State Representative of the 89th District.
Community Concerns
- Novotny Farm Market Barrier: A discussion took place near the end of the meeting regarding concerns about the barrier at Novotny Farm Market. Trustee Kurtz spoke about the situation, offering insight into the township’s position, but the issue remains unresolved. Brian’s comments at the close of the meeting further emphasized the need for a solution. (About 24:00 minutes in Mr. Rowe inquires about the Novotny barrier situation. Trustee Kurtz speaks in between. Trustee Baughman brings up a notable bit of information at 32:30 which Trustee Kurtz responds to… Brian Novotny speaks at 35:25.)
Next Meeting
The next Vermilion Township Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the township meeting room.

This meeting provided a platform for local candidates to connect with the community, while also addressing various township concerns, including road maintenance, fire department upkeep, and local business issues. We will see how the Novotny’s Farm Issue progresses at the next meeting and report back our findings.